Linux Fundamentals for Network Engineers Courses

In many cases, the only thing necessary to back up is user data, such as the contents of /home. However, you might need to back up custom configuration files for specific services, such as Apache, DNS or DHCP. Most administrators append the .gz file extension to the archive name when using gzip. For example, to…

The Tax Implications Of Working Remotely

Gallup suggests that only 36% of employees are engaged in their workplace, so as a remote team manager, the maintenance of clear, consistent communication is key. It’s also important to stay up to date with any changes in tax laws and regulations that may affect your multiple state tax filings. The tax laws and regulations…

12 Highest Paying Cyber Security Jobs & Salaries 2024

Cybersecurity experts are highly trained professionals that assess, implement, and improve an organization’s cyber defense. Cybersecurity professionals can identify vulnerabilities in the system and can provide necessary solutions to address these. They train and educate users on the proper data security protocols and teach them how to spot malicious activity like phishing scams. They also…

What Is DevOps? A Guide to the Basics

You will examine how creating shared repositories and pair programming results in defects found earlier and a broader understanding of the code base for the team. You will see how working in small batches reduces waste and results in delivering useful applications quickly. You will discover how producing a minimum viable devops fundamentals product allows…